Learning to Soar for Jesus

Learning to Soar for Jesus

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I definitely don't have a green thumb.  In fact, I think my thumb shoots out poison that kills any plants within a ten-mile radius.

It's sad, really.

When we moved into our house in November, the developer was kind enough to start us out with some landscaping.  Nothing fancy, just a few shrubs, bushes, and one tree.  And they covered it in that awful Georgia pine.  If you've ever tried to plant or pull weeds in Georgia pine, you know that it's like sticking your palms in a knife drawer.  Because I'm so smart (read: ditzy), it took me a couple of times to figure out that you need to wear strong gloves when you're messing with it.

Once the weather got warmer, we decided to improve our curb appeal.  We ditched the Georgia pine for some luscious midnight black mulch, and I picked out a couple of Gerber daisies to plant along the front of the house.

A few days later, one of the Gerber daisies was missing.  Dru told me he thinks a deer ate it. (P.S., I haven't seen one deer since we moved out here.  I think he just didn't want to tell me that my poisonous non-green thumb killed it.)

Because pulling weeds became too tedious, he bought weed-killer spray, and unfortunately, he missed and sprayed all of our ground cover.  They shriveled and turned brown.  Desperate to keep something alive, I sat there on a humid Saturday afternoon and pruned every last one of those plants down to the nub, which was the only green part of them left.  The plants didn't just subsequently die, I'm pretty sure the earth opened up and swallowed them, because there were no traces of them to be found.

We really stink at gardening.

As the brutal summer heat wore on, we vowed to somewhat give up on our gardening until the fall, when things were more likely to survive.  But poor Dru couldn't stand the sight of our naked, shriveled lawn any longer, spending an afternoon at Home Depot shopping for new ground cover.

But a curious thing happened as he started planting that afternoon...

One of our little plants had decided it wasn't over yet.  Not yet.

After realizing it wasn't a weed, Dru let me know that one of our little plants had come back.  I asked him if any of the others had shown signs of returning, and he told me no.  That was the only one.

Wow.  That little plant must have some strong roots.

He thought about digging it up and planting a brand new one, but we decided that no.  It's come this far; why don't we see what it can do?

Maybe you feel like one of our plants today.  Maybe you feel like you've been sprayed to death; the heat's too much; there's no way, no reason you should keep growing.

You see others around you, just like you, and they've quit.  They gave up.

But no.  Not you.  You've got some roots.  Strong roots.  No matter how much the world tries to make sure you're stunted, well I'll be if you don't continue to stick around.

Not even just stick around.  My goodness, look how you've grown.

You may not feel it.  Maybe you aren't as grown and pretty as everyone else, but you certainly stand out.  Come on.  Keep going.  Don't give up.

Let's see what you can do.  Let's see what He can do.

"The righteous shall flourish like a palm tree, He shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon.  Those who are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.  They shall still bear fruit in old age; they shall be fresh and flourishing."  ~Psalm 92:12-14

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